Chisel Montessori

Montessori school in Selaiyur

At Chisel Montessori School in Selaiyur, we believe in building communities of like-minded individuals, including parents and friends, to create an environment that fosters the overall development of your child. These are the foundational principles with which our journey began..

Primary Environment in Selaiyur

Our Primary Environment in Selaiyur is a warmly lit, pastel-colored independent bunglow with a beautiful garden that captures attention with its captivating ambiance. It is a harmonious blend of nature and reality, allowing children to seamlessly interact with the world around them. The environment is thoughtfully structured as a purposeful learning space, where every element is tailored to prioritize the child's needs.

Elementary Environment in Selaiyur

Academics intertwines with the practicalities of real life. Children are enabled to think critically, solve problems, and engage in conflict resolution as a community. The pivotal role in understanding time management becomes crucial as they make their independent schedule for the day. Engagement of hands, mind, and heart makes Chisel Montessori Schools education holistic.

Special Note

All our branches offer after-school Montessori activities for children from other schools between the age of 3-6 years.

Admission Open

Kindly provide us with your information here, we will reach out to you at the earliest