Chisel Montessori

Montessori school in Mugalivakkam

At Chisel Montessori School in Mugalivakkam, we believe in building communities of like-minded individuals, including parents and friends, to create an environment that fosters the overall development of your child. These are the foundational principles with which our journey began..

Primary Environment in Mugalivakkam

Chisel Montessori School in Mugalivakkam is located right along Mugalivakkam main road, this 6-bedroom bungalow is the perfect alternative education venue. It serves as an ideal space for alternative education. The primary environment in Mugalivakkam offers parents a peaceful and joyful learning space designed to meet the developmental needs of their child. The child-friendly furniture, child-sized lightweight learning materials, and elegantly designed play area make it a unique place for a young child's education.

Special Note

All our branches offer after-school Montessori activities for children from other schools between the age of 3-6 years.

Admissions Open

Kindly provide us with your information here, we will reach out to you at the earliest