Chisel Montessori

From Classrooms to Community: Chisel Montessori’s Auroville trip

The sun had just begun to rise, casting a gentle glow over Auroville trip as our journey into sustainable living practices began. Our day commenced with a serene meditation session at the Matrimandir, where the children were enveloped in a sense of peace and tranquillity, setting the tone for the day ahead. Following this tranquil start, we ventured to the Musical Garden, a vibrant space where the children eagerly engaged with a diverse array of musical instruments, each with its own unique history and significance. 

As the day unfolded, we gathered for a meaningful lunch at the Solar Kitchen, where the children not only savoured a delightful variety of dishes but also delved into a deeper understanding of the value of minimising food wastage. Here, they were introduced to innovative concepts such as recycling, the use of reusable products, waste management techniques, and sustainable farming practices, igniting their curiosity and fostering a profound appreciation for sustainable living. 

Every journey is a tapestry woven with experiences and memories, particularly for children aged 6 to 12, who absorb and internalise each moment with all their senses and intellect. The Auroville trip was a testament to this, as the children carried back with them the serenity of meditation and a newfound awareness of waste management upon their return.

The natural serenity, the exemplary model of community living, and the rich multicultural diversity in Auroville provided a delightful feast for their inquisitive minds. However, the true feast lay in the message of food respect conveyed by the Solar Kitchen, the rhythmic melodies echoing from the Musical Garden, and the enchanting evening concert, all of which captivated the children’s hearts and minds throughout this enriching journey.

Auroville trip 2

As the trip concluded, the students returned to their school with a newfound sense of purpose and an enriched outlook on life. They had not only gained knowledge but had also imbibed valuable life lessons that transcended the boundaries of a conventional classroom. The Auroville trip had left an indelible mark on their hearts, igniting within them a spirit of global citizenship and a commitment to making a positive impact on the world around them.

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